4 Tips to Make Your Photoshoot a Success

As you all know, yesterday another photoshoot went down in our history books. We were able to make all schedules align and met downtown to start at Nashville's Pedestrian Bridge. While we were thankful it wasn't blistering hot, we weren't thankful that it was windy and cold. But, we can't control the weather so the show must go on. Here's a sneak peek behind the scenes during our shoot yesterday, along with some tips we think you will find helpful! We can honestly say, these photos aren't easily achieved!
1. Have a backup. Not only do you need a backup battery in case one goes down, or a back up memory card, we actually found it very helpful yesterday to have two photographers. Here at The Nash Collection, we shoot with a Canon 6D camera. We had two of those on set yesterday, shooting non stop video footage and still shots. Not only did this speed up our process in the blustery wind yesterday, we were able to compare all of our shots and different angles. It's fun to see what two different photographers are able to come up with and capture through the lens when shooting the same subject.
2. Plan your outfits accordingly. This may sound like a no-brainer, but when you're shooting product shots, you can't have the same model in the same outfit and just swap out the hat. Nope! We must plan in advance what we want them to wear, and what goes with what. All of this also has to be steamed and ready to go, not wrinkled. Try steaming that at your current location then hauling it all over town in cars, hands, etc. We recommend Wrinkle Remover spray. ;) #yourewelcome
3. Play some good music when shooting in the same location. There's something about a groove going in the background that releases awkward tension. Often times we are able to capture the coolest shots when our model isn't even paying attention--just moving naturally to some tunes. Seriously, it works.
4. Have extra people on set. Yesterday it took six of us to model, shoot with the Canon, and snap footage for all social media. You wouldn't think that would take up much time, but let me tell you...IT DOES! You'll want to have someone specifically designated to capturing other images from a cell phone. Make sure you're in Square mode. Your IG will appreciate-cha.
There's a ton more to take into consideration when shooting indoors or outdoors, but this is a great basic checklist to go by when deciding it's time to create your lookbook!
A HUGE thank you goes out to Lacy, Aimee, Bonnie, Ally, and Lori. This would have been impossible without you all! We'll debut our newest lookbook soon! Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!