6 Random Thoughts

Oh hey. Laci here. Just dropping a line on a casual Thursday afternoon around 3:52.
So this blog post will be a little bit random, but I wanted to just talk about many of the things that I think about on a regular basis. Because, after all, this company is a result of one of my crazy ideas. :)
1. As I was eating lunch today, my cream of mushroom chicken kept running into my kale salad, causing me to have runny salad. Yuck. Why is there not a ceramic bowl with a divider down the middle, kind of what an ashtray looks like, for lunch on the go? I know they make it in plastics, but why not ceramic? If I'm just an idiot and haven't ever seen one, please forward me a link so I can Amazon Prime that shit now.
2. I also think that I am going to change up my entire schedule here at the warehouse. So instead of working 8-5 and fighting Nashville's growing traffic problem, I'm ready to spend less time sitting in the car and more time being productive. I want to start getting here at the warehouse by 7:00 and working until 3:00, and then go home to either finish doing what I can on the couch, or begin my chill time. Know what this means? NO TRAFFIC!!!! YAY! You guys are responsible for holding me accountable. Ha. Not really, but I'd like to blame it on you if I don't follow through.
3. I am super pumped about Nash Collection's organic growth. Some of our stockists are blowing through them quicker than we could have imagined. I guess keeping up with growth is a wonderful thing, but along with it, come the growing pains. I have so many ideas, I just can't contain them all sometimes. You guys just wait for this year! We have so many things we're about to roll out (my homie.... yeah just threw it back right there).
4. Why hasn't Hozier come out with a new album yet? He's overdue.
5. I need to take a computer coding class. If anyone has suggestions on a cheap learning class/webinar, send it my way! I am tired of my lack of coding skills affecting what I'm able to do each day on my websites.
6. My Mom, Dad, and Sis come to visit me next week and I am SUPER excited about it. I kinda had a Come-to-Jesus last night with myself. Where am I going with my life? What am I truly trying to achieve? Is it worth it in the end? (Deep thoughts I know). But in the midst of thinking all this out loud, I realized that the people I care about the most aren't going to be here forever. And I better damn sure start making some time instead of working myself into the ground. Living here in Nashville, I'm 8 hours away from them, which limits the number of visits. Not only is it the travel time, but I-40 seriously makes that trip really unenjoyable. Ask Bella, my cat. I took her home for the holidays and she hated me for a solid two weeks.
Anyways, my phone has gone off thirteen times. So has Slack. I've gotta go.
Catch ya on the flip flop!