Behind The Scenes of NASH With The Boss Lady

@louloubon, Lace, LB, Boss Lady, whatever nickname you might call her...She's a kick ass business owner and entrepreneur! Enjoy this little interview of NASH and Laci as a business owner!
Where were you when you thought of NASH?
I was at home, in West Nashville. Based on Nashville’s popularity, I can’t believe it hadn’t been done.
Where do you see NASH going?
Infinity and beyond! Ha…truthfully there are a million directions it could go. This is the tip of the iceberg for us. We have other cities in the works, along with other merchandise besides hats.
Favorite moment of NASH since it was launched?
I don’t have a favorite moment. It’s a combination of everyone’s reactions when they see the hats in person and hearing their feedback and stories. It seems like more times than not, they’ve seen them out and about, or their friends have one, etc. I do also love seeing them on stage during performances.
Top 3 biggest accomplishments in business:
1. The Rage + Revv + The Nash Collection
2. Arkansas 20 in Their 20s
3. 5000 list
What is your favorite part about being a business owner and entrepreneur?
I love setting my own rules and keeping at a pace in business and life that is comfortable to me. I am somewhat of a control freak when it comes to work, so being able to control my environment is a huge plus to me. I LOVE being able to create and design. Like the Nash Collection—that was an idea that I brought to life. Watching those moments transform into reality truly are some of the best.
Words you live by:
A goal without a deadline is only a dream.