Day in, and day out we ship hats all over the world to our customers. Not knowing where they're going. Not knowing a single thing about the names on the invoices. We just know your names, what you ordered, and where to send the package. Within the packages, we place a little note cards encouraging you to tag us on social media! Yourself wearing our hats. One could say that we do that for advertising purposes, but the main reason we encourage you to do so is because we LOVE seeing you guys. You have no idea! It's one of the most rewarding feelings.....ever. When you're just scrolling through your feed, or notifications and BAM there's a NASH hat, it's a feeling of accomplishment + down right so stinking proud of the brand that we have created and love so freaking much. So, we just want to say THANK YOU. Thank you for supporting out brand. Thank you for loving our hats. Thank you for loving us... because we love you!
Every week we try to shout some of our customers out, and let them extra know (yes, we just used that reference) that we love them, and are so appreciative of them! So, keep on tagging! You just might be featured next! :)
Here's to FAN FRIDAY!
Wishing you guys the best weekend! Be safe, and wear your hats or shirts! :))))