Shoutout to the NASHville Preds!

Ask Laci and I what we want for Christmas... we both will promptly respond with "A PREDS JERSEY!" Yes, we have found a new favorite pastime and sport... Hockey! We have found ourselves at at least one game a week, and enjoying every minute of it. WHY DIDN'T WE FIND OUR LOVE FOR THIS UNTIL JUST NOW?!
The Preds organization also has been nothing but supportive of our company and brand. They're a community full of generosity and community partnership. Thank you so much to the Nashville Predators organization for welcoming The Nash Collection into your family and supporting us! We love nothing more than seeing you guys out and about rockin' NASH and working with us to spread our brand! Not just the team, but to EVERYONE in the organization who has reached out and supported us! We love your team and everyone involved!
Check out some of the Preds newest videos where you can spy a Nash Hat or two!
XO // Ally