Top 5 Questions From Customers

Every day at our Broadway store, we get tons of questions about Nashville and our brand. Interacting with all the tourists downtown has made our girls over there experts on pretty much everything a visitor wants to know! Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions we get...
Q: "What do the three stars stand for?"
A: The "tri-star" on our hats and shirts comes from the state flag of Tennessee. The three stars represent the divisions of the state- east, middle, and west. The circle around them symbolizes the unity of these divisions.
Q: "What does SMASH mean?"
A: It's for our hockey team! When the Predators play, Nashville turns to "Smashville." GO PREDS!
Q: "Is Broadway always this busy?"
A: Broadway welcomes many tourists year 'round, but our peak season is of course the summer when CMA Fest and school vacation time rolls around.
Q: "Where is a good place to eat on Broadway?"
A: Tough to narrow it down to just one. We love The Stillery, Acme Feed & Seed, Jack's BBQ, and The Southern!
Q: "Do you see any celebrities down here?"
A: Usually only when they're performing for special events down here. But when they do venture out in public, they usually avoid high traffic areas and like to be treated like normal people. So we try not to fangirl when we run into them while they're out and about!
You learn something new every day, right? Always feel free to ask our staff any questions you have about Nashville and NASH. They'll be happy to give you recommendations and their best informed answers!
NASH Gal Lauren