Welcome To The Fam, Bonnie!

Meet the newest addition to the family, Bonnie!

This girl can light up a room the moment she walks in and her bubbly personality is contagious! I dare you to not be in a good mood when she is around (good luck because it is actually impossible!)
Bonnie recently graduated from University of Alabama and wanted to try something new, so now Nash is her new home. She is a self proclaimed "Nugget Enthusiast" and lover of Chick-Fil-A (But girl, aren't we all?!) Alright, lets get to know this girl!
Sign: Cancer
Hometown: Charleston, South Carolina
Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere at the beach
Song On Repeat: Happiness by Needtobreathe
Most Used Emoji: Face with the little hands (it is a hard one to explain)
If You Could Bring 3 Things On An Island: My dog, sunscreen, and a bottle of wine.... I had to put a little bit of responsibility in there!
Favorite Place In Nash: Tavern... YUM!
Most Overused Word In Vocab: Sassy
Bonnie, a recent Nashville transplant from South Carolina, will be joining The Nash Collection as our official intern. We could not be more excited to have her smiling face in the offices and know she is going to do fabulous things.
Welcome to the crazy, hat loving family Bon!
Ally and Laci
Ally and Laci